Sunday, May 16, 2010

World's most expensive stamp

This is the world's most expensive stamp with a price tag of up to £5 million.

Weighing just 0.03 ounces, the small yellow Treskilling thought of the most valuable thing the existence of the weight and volume.

It survives today only because a school kid 14 years old Swede who saved his grandmother's trash can in 1885 and sold to a dealer for the humble price of seven crowns. Now, the seal, which is the Festival of London, the stamps issued until Saturday, will be auctioned in Geneva next week. The seal of twenty three was first broadcast in Sweden in 1855 and used in a letter dated and 1857. It was printed in yellow by mistake, and indeed should be green, which led to the result is very rare. It is presumed that some other labels were produced in the same game, but not Yellow Treskilling others have surfaced. The stamp has changed hands several times and each time a record price. The last sale was in 1996 when it sold 2.875 million Swiss francs, 1.7 million pounds, collectors who remain anonymous. In 2001, a Danish auction house, Høiland Thomas, told the Virtual Stamp Club OS value.

He said: "There was fierce fighting when it was sold last. People want to stamp collecting rare things, like special things. I think it's because there was so many years is special."

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