Friday, April 2, 2010

Earth Simulator project

The Japanese government estimates the Earth Simulator cost $ 400,000,000, which is the most expensive computer ever built. Earth Simulator project

budget was approved for the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASD) and a power reactor and nuclear fuel Development Corporation

(PNC) in 1997, and NEC Corporation, Japan's winning bid for the project.

May 2002, 640 processor supercomputer node has been benchmarked with Linpack 35.86 TFlop / s performance. That gave it first place on TOP500 List

supercomputing field offices until 2004, when IBM's Blue Gene / L supercomputer took its place, with architecture that is less than half as much to


Each processor node in the Earth Simulator contains 8 vector processors running at 500MHz with 16 GB of shared memory, and the total main memory

in the device is 10 terabytes. The operating system running on a supercomputer NEC's Unix based OS called "SUPER-ux, which is used on NEC SX series

of supercomputers.

This expensive machine used for a variety of international projects, most of which are related to atmospheric, climate, oceanography, and simulation.

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